The first and only
prescription app for MDD

When your adult patients age 22+ want to add to their current ADT, consider Rejoyn, a novel
treatment for MDD symptoms.1

Icon of a phone with a plus sign in the bottom right corner

Complements your care

Rejoyn is a prescription digital therapeutic that works alongside their ADT.2

Icon showing x6 on a calendar to represent 6 weeks of treatment

6-week treatment

Rejoyn is 6 weeks of cognitive-emotional training (CET) exercises and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)-based video lessons that patients complete on their smartphone and on their own time.2

Three arrows that are trending down representing a reduction in MDD symptoms

Reduced MDD symptoms

In a clinical trial, adding Rejoyn to ADT reduced MDD symptoms with zero adverse events related to Rejoyn.2

View clinical data

Designed to target dysregulated neural networks
in the brain2

Designed to target dysregulated networks in the

Dysregulation has been associated with MDD2

Brain image

Imaging of patients with depression has shown hyperactivity in emotion centers, like the amygdala, and hypoactivity in cognitive areas, like the prefrontal corte.2

Dysregulated connectivity between the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala can cause patients to experience impaired cognitive control of emotion.2

Tapping into neuroplastic potential may reduce MDD symptoms2

A brain highlighting the prefrontal cortex and amygdala. A rich color gradient represents the areas' strengthened connection.

The CET brain exercises in Rejoyn are designed to simultaneously activate the amygdala and prefrontal cortex. Repeated coordination of both regions over 6 weeks may strengthen their connection. This is thought to help enhance cognitive control of emotion, which may help reduce depression symptoms.2

Dysregulation has been associated with MDD2

Graphic depicting the amygdala and prefrontal cortex shows how networks can become dysregulated in the brain. A second, nearly-identical graphic is partly shaded in blue that shows how the brain-training exercises help to strengthen connections between the two parts.

Imaging of patients with depression has shown hyperactivity in emotion centers, like the amygdala, and hypoactivity in cognitive areas, like the prefrontal cortex.2

Dysregulated connectivity between the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala can cause patients to experience impaired cognitive control of emotion.2

Tapping into neuroplastic potential may reduce MDD symptoms2


The CET brain exercises in Rejoyn are designed to simultaneously activate the amygdala and prefrontal cortex. Repeated coordination of both regions over 6 weeks may strengthen their connection. This is thought to help enhance cognitive control of emotion, which may help reduce depression symptoms.2

See inside Rejoyn

Watch the video to get an inside look at Rejoyn.


Sample screen of the Rejoyn app. The on-screen text displays "Welcome" and "Today's Task" with "Lesson 1" displayed under the Rejoyn character.
Sample screen of the Rejoyn app. The on-screen text displays "Welcome" and "Today's Task" with "Lesson 1" displayed under the Rejoyn character.

See inside Rejoyn

Watch the video to get an inside look at Rejoyn.


Core components of Rejoyn

Cognitive-emotional training (CET) exercises2

per week


~20-30 minutes each

GIF of various brain-training exercise screens from the Rejoyn app

Cognitive-emotional training
(CET) exercises2

per week


~20-30 minutes each

These exercises are designed to enhance cognitive control over emotional information processing, helping reduce MDD symptoms.2

  • Patients are prompted to identify and recall a sequence of faces portraying certain emotions2
    • Identifying emotions is designed to activate the amygdala2
    • Recalling emotions is designed to engage working memory to activate the prefrontal cortex2
  • Rejoyn will adjust its difficulty based on patient performance to ensure the exercises remain challenging, but doable2

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)-based video lessons2

per week


~5 minutes each

GIF of various cognitive behavioral therapy screens from the Rejoyn app

Cognitive behavioral therapy
(CBT)-based video lessons2

per week


~5 minutes each

These brief animated videos teach patients strategies for cognitive restructuring, emotional regulation, and behavioral activation.2

  • Each video lesson is followed by a prompt that encourages an out-of-app task or guides the user through an audio psychotherapy activity2
  • After the 6-week treatment period ends, patients can return to the CBT-based video lessons for an additional 4 weeks2

Treatment schedule2

Rejoyn is 6 weeks of treatment, but how your patient sets up those 6 weeks is up to them. Below are 2
examples of what a treatment schedule could look like:

Your patients can choose to do 1 task per day, which will switch between CET
exercises and CBT-based video lessons.

Patients also have the option of completing 1 lesson and 1 exercise per day if they want to get ahead or
catch up.*

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7


















*You cannot do more then 1 lesson or exercise on a given day.

Icon of a person with a medical symbol

End-to-end nurse support

Patients can call the nurse support line at 1-833-Y-REJOYN (1-833-973-5696) for assistance throughout their 6-week treatment with Rejoyn. Available Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 8 PM ET, excluding holidays.

A woman with a poised expression against a plain background
A woman with a poised expression against a plain background

Review results with Rejoyn

The efficacy and safety of Rejoyn were
studied in a landmark clinical trial.1,2

INDICATION: Rejoyn is a prescription digital therapeutic for the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) symptoms as an adjunct to clinician-managed outpatient care for adult patients with MDD age 22 years and older who are on antidepressant medication. It is intended to reduce MDD symptoms.

SAFETY INFORMATION: Rejoyn is not intended to be used as a standalone therapy or a substitute for medication. Patients should continue their current treatment as directed.

Rejoyn does not monitor the patient's symptoms or clinical status and cannot send or receive alerts or warnings to the prescriber. Patients should be clearly instructed that if they believe their depression is worsening or if they have feelings or thoughts of harming themselves or others, to contact a healthcare professional, dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency room immediately.

The Apple logo is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.